The status
The Pharmaceutical Sciences Society of Romania
Article 1: Name
It is the successor of the “Pharmaceutical Sciences Society of Romania” (established in 1934, in Bucharest), the “Pharmacy Section” of the “Medical Sciences Society” (established in 1949), the “Pharmacy Society” of the “Union of Medical Sciences Societies” (since 1962), and the “Pharmaceutical Sciences Society” of the “Romanian Medical Association” (since 1991).
Article 2: Headquarters
The headquarters of the society is located in the Municipality of Bucharest.
Article 3: Membership
The society unites pharmacists who wish to contribute to the development of Romanian pharmaceutical sciences. These include full members, university graduates, other specialists working in the pharmaceutical field who become associate members.
Article 4: Nature
The society is non-governmental, non-profit, and has legal personality. It operates based on Decree 31/1954, H.C.M. 1012/1956, and a court decision.
Article 5: Duration
The duration is unlimited.
Article 6: Objectives
The society aims to:
- Facilitate the exchange of scientific information among pharmaceutical researchers through regular congresses (every 4 years), special meetings (symposia, conferences) on interdisciplinary research topics, and the publication of a journal (FARMACIA), thus promoting the progress of pharmaceutical sciences;
- Gather and disseminate information about the activities of the branches, including establishing an annual or specified-term calendar with scientific events;
- Increase the recognition of pharmaceutical sciences nationally and internationally;
- Encourage the adoption of high standards of education and research for teachers, students, and researchers;
- Develop international pharmaceutical relations.
Article 7: Means
To achieve these objectives, the society will utilize the following means:
- Organizing scientific events: congresses, conferences, consultations, symposia, round tables, periodic communication sessions, and others;
- Publishing works presented in public sessions of the society in specialized journals;
- Stimulating and rewarding researchers for valuable original works through awards, honorary titles, medals, and more;
- Encouraging members to participate in national and international scientific events;
- Collaborating with state and medical authorities, educational institutions, societies, associations, etc.;
- Guiding public information actions about medicines and pharmaceutical scientific research.
Article 8: Structure
The society operates nationally through the Board of Directors, specialized sections, county branches, sub-branches in non-county cities, discussion circles, and issue-specific committees.
Article 9: Management
The governing bodies are the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the executive office, the section offices, the council, and the branch office.
Article 10: General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body. It consists of all members if the total membership is up to 200 and proportionally elected delegates if the total membership exceeds 200.
The Assembly meets every 4 years and has the following responsibilities:
- Oversees all activities;
- Amends the society’s statutes with at least 75% of the votes of those present;
- Elects the Board of Directors by secret ballot;
- Elects an honorary president;
- Approves activity, financial, audit committee, and issue-specific committee reports;
- Makes decisions by a simple majority of votes;
- Sets (modifies) membership fees;
- Approves the staffing scheme and sets compensations (salaries);
- Decides on affiliations to national and international federations and organizations;
- Sets the portion of the membership fee allocated to the branch after collection.
Article 11: General Assembly Sessions
The General Assembly is convened in ordinary session by the Board of Directors and in extraordinary sessions at the request of the Board or a written request by one-third of the members.
Article 12: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly and has the following responsibilities:
- Oversees all activities between General Assembly sessions;
- Comprises 5-10% of the total membership;
- Convenes the General Assembly and presents reports;
- Confirms elected bodies of sections and branches;
- Discusses and approves the operating regulations and subsequent modifications;
- Meets annually or as needed and makes decisions by majority vote;
- Proposes the agenda of the General Assembly, adopts reports and accounts presented to the General Assembly, proposes the staffing scheme and salaries based on needs and available funds, etc.;
- The current President of the Board of Directors is also the President of the General Assembly and the Executive Office.
Article 13: Executive Office
The Executive Office is elected by the Board of Directors from among its members and consists of 7 people: a president, 4 vice presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer.
The Executive Office has the following responsibilities:
- Manages and coordinates activities between Board of Directors sessions;
- Meets as needed at the President’s request;
- Prepares the operating regulations and submits them for approval to the Board of Directors;
- Makes decisions by a simple majority vote;
- Prepares project reports and decisions and submits them to the Board of Directors;
- Develops the annual plan of scientific events;
- Supports the activities of sections and branches;
- Organizes scientific events at the society level;
- Represents the society in relations with other institutions;
- Analyzes and adopts issue-specific committee reports;
- Informs the Board of Directors about branch and section elections;
- Prepares the annual income and expense plan, submits it for approval to the Board of Directors, and then implements it;
- Keeps a nominal and numerical record of members across the country through the secretary, financial and accounting records through the treasurer, and material management through the administrator;
- Maintains the society’s archives through the secretary, records incoming and outgoing correspondence;
- Informs branch offices of key decisions and provides general activity guidance;
- Ensures statutory compliance;
- Addresses all emerging issues;
- In case of a vacancy in the Executive Office, the President appoints another member after consulting with Executive Office members.
Article 14: Branches
Branches are organized by counties and institutions with more than 20 contributing members, on their own initiative. They are subordinate to the Executive Office and central bodies. Branches include sub-branches and discussion circles they guide.
Branch governing bodies are the branch office and the general assembly of its members, which convenes annually and is legally constituted by the presence of half plus one of its members; in case of lack of quorum, a second meeting is convened and held with those present.
The branch elects an office of 5-7 people, including a president, a secretary, and a treasurer. The office manages correspondence, collects dues, retains and manages the portion of dues for its own needs, deposits the central society’s portion in due time, and convenes quarterly and as needed, making decisions for the good running of the branch.
When the branch has more than 100 members, it elects a board of directors with similar structure and duties as the society. The branch council and office organize branch activities: county and inter-county consultations, conferences, consultations, symposia, and regular communication meetings.
The branch, through its secretary, keeps a nominal and numerical record of members and reports it annually to the Executive Office. The branch maintains financial records, and if it owns material goods, it opens a legal management account.
The financial activity is subject to verification by a committee of 3 auditors elected by the branch members’ assembly. After each election or co-option, the old office informs the Central Society’s Board of Directors of the new situation. Annually, the branch reports to its members, and a copy of the approved report is sent to the Board of Directors of the central society.
Sub-branches and circles are subordinate to the territorial branch and follow the branch’s statutory norms, but do not retain a portion of the dues or maintain financial records. Members of the sub-branch and circle are part of the branch and only differ in organizing local scientific events.
Branch, sub-branch, and discussion circle members have the right to elect and be elected to branch and society governing bodies.
Article 15: Branch Office
The branch office prepares reports for the branch members’ assembly, organizes current activities, publishes information on scientific activities, and maintains contact with central bodies.
The branch office is responsible for subscribing members to the society’s journal and distributing received copies. The amounts collected for publications are entirely deposited into the society’s account.
The branch elects and sends delegates to the society’s general assemblies and covers their travel expenses within available funds.
The branch makes proposals for improving the statutes.
Article 16: Financial Management of Branches
If a branch does not wish or is unable to manage financial operations, it may deposit all its funds into the central society’s account, and expenses are justified with legal documents submitted to the society’s treasurer. In this case, the branch’s activity is simplified, and the treasurer is obligated to maintain a sub-account with the branch’s available fund (portion of dues) and is not entitled to use the branch’s funds for other purposes.
Article 17: Specialized Sections
Specialized sections are formed with at least 10 specialists, on their own initiative and with the approval of the Board of Directors of the society.
The section’s governing body consists of a president, a vice president, and a secretary, confirmed by the Executive Office of the society after their election.
Responsibilities include:
- Organizing scientific and commemorative events in their specialty;
- Proposing the society’s affiliation with international federations;
- Keeping a record of section members without having their own financial management.
Article 18: Society Funds
The society’s funds consist of membership registration fees, annual dues, subsidies, sponsorships, donations, interest, and other sources.
The registration fee and annual dues are set by the General Assembly. Membership registration